Must you back up all your data on your Laptop, smartphone or tablet? Answer is no but you need to back up the really important files. To back you files up means that you make copies of files and store them separately.
Well in recent times there are some viruses that have the capability of affecting the master boot record of a hard drive which is likely to cause data loss eventually. Operating systems are likely to fail at one point or the other resulting in a possible data loss.
So are you going to wait till a software installation causes your computer hard disk to crash or causes a major data loss before you back-up? What will you do if your phone goes off and refuses to come on at a time when you need to stay in touch with some friends or clients? Well you can always get a replacement but what of your personal data.
The simplest solution is to back up your computer or phone files. Most phones that come with their pc suite come with a backup feature and for most computers you can back up your data by clicking on system and security and then proceeding to the backup and restore button. Some mobile phone service providers provide backup services for phone contacts and some other phone data.
You might as well want to back up your emails and important messages you may have received on Twitter or Facebook. (Even Google had its fair share of data loss a couple of weeks ago when a massive number of users lost all records of emails in their inbox. Some of the user data was recovered though)
Backup your data now! It is that important if you deem your data important.
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